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Friday, August 28, 2020

First Class in SIX Months

 Such A Long Time Coming


It's been 6 months since I've taught a class

because of the pandemic and it felt so good

 to paint again.

I missed it!!!

The class was held in conjunction with Eagle Creek Winery

and we had very limited seating

but I think it worked out very well.

We did our very best to paint safely.

On this night we learned how to create a barn siding background, how to paint pumpkins in several colors and how to paint sunflowers.  

This was almost a Mother/Daughter event as we had 3 sets of them participating.

Eagle Creek Winery has a tasting room in Warsaw, KY.

and they were our wonderful host for the evening.

Proprietor Lynn gave everyone who wanted one,

samples of the wines they produce.

We plan on making this a monthly event.  

My classes will resume at the Switzerland County Community Art Center in Vevay, IN in September and at General Butler State Park in Carrollton, KY in October.  Please watch on Facebook for dates and times.

If you're interested in learning how to paint,

please join my Facebook Group, Bucket List Artists, where I go live every Thursday at 1 p.m. with a new art concept, technique or lesson.  

Click HERE to ask to join,

then answer the 3 questions that pop up 

to unlock the door. 

There is close to 1 1/2 years worth of lessons, hints, tips, tricks, and other goodness in there for you right now.

I have a YouTube channel, Sharon Durbin Graves

and here is my most recent video about values.


Thanks for stopping by today

and Let's Paint Together Real Soon! 


  1. And you are a true friend. One I've never met in person, but feel like I know you. Thank you so much for your continued support.


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About Me

My photo
Ghent, Kentucky, United States
I'm a nature artist and I love to paint old barns, rivers and lakes, trees and fence rows and flowers. I work almost daily. You can purchase paintings by contacting me at and there is also a tab across the top of my blog for available paintings and one for small paintings with buy now buttons. You can also purchase through my Etsy shop using the name of Fine Nature Art. . Thank you so much for stopping by.