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Monday, August 6, 2018

WOW! Haven't Written in a While

Can't Believe I Haven't Written
in Almost A Month!

I believe that is the longest I've gone all the years 
I've written this blog.

Life really ramped up over the last several weeks
but I'm trying to get my ducks back in a row.

Insomnia has been just about unbelievable
triggering migraine after migraine after migraine.

I've been using hypnosis/meditation videos
on YouTube to help me calm my mind.

I've listened to a lot of them
and there are tons to listen to.
Go to YouTube and put hypnosis for sleep or migraines in the search box and you will be amazed
 at how many there are.

I have found myself returning time and again to
The Mindful Movement.

Click HERE to check it out.

Their videos are usually under 35 minutes and very calming and soothing. 

Others I really enjoy include
David McGraw
Paul McKenna

Back to art.

I took this photo several years ago in our orchard
and always wanted to paint it.

I used it for my reference for this fun painting.


This fun painting headed off to its forever home recently.

I had a wonderful time painting this 
and I love that little baby bird.

If you're having trouble with insomnia or migraines,
I can't sympathize enough,
and I really would check out the videos
on YouTube for hypnosis and meditation.
I have a really hard time shutting off my mind
when it's time to sleep
and these have helped.

I've created 7 Tips for Color Mixing, a printable tip sheet anyone can download and print out and keep where ever you paint.  Click HERE to get it, like now.   

1 comment:

  1. Are not nests the best subjects to paint...especially when baby birds are present. I am watching a nest of robins right now close to my deck. Such a delight. Have a super day. P.S. sorry about your insomnia and migraines...hope you will be feeling better soon.


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About Me

My photo
Ghent, Kentucky, United States
I'm a nature artist and I love to paint old barns, rivers and lakes, trees and fence rows and flowers. I work almost daily. You can purchase paintings by contacting me at and there is also a tab across the top of my blog for available paintings and one for small paintings with buy now buttons. You can also purchase through my Etsy shop using the name of Fine Nature Art. . Thank you so much for stopping by.