Do You Crave It?
I Know I Do!
Creativity! What Were You Thinking?
Everyone is creative!
I mean it. Everyone is creative!
I say that because creativity comes in so many different forms. I'm not talking talent,
(that's a whole different discussion)
but creativity is, can be and should be all around us.
Creativity isn't just limited to artists.
(although some artists have it on steroids!)
We are creative when we pick out our clothes,
when we fix our hair,
decide what to eat for breakfast,
the route we take when we go to work,
the way we landscape our yard,
the way we decorate our homes,
the way we decorate where we work,
how we work,
It's all creativity and I believe we crave it.
I believe we are creative beings.
I believe we are creative from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to sleep, and we are creative even then by what we wear to bed and the dreams we have.
There is in each of us, I believe, a desire to be different than everyone else, somehow, some way.
Maybe not purple hair, one blue sock one red sock different,
but something that sets us apart from everyone else.
I believe we need creativity to help each of us fulfill our dreams and our passions.
I believe if 10 people were given a problem to solve,
there would be 10 different solutions found.
Some may be similar, but there would be some component that is different from every other solution.
That's our individual creativity at work.
We each have colors we love more than others.
We each have a style we love more than others.
We each have books or authors or
movies we love more than others.
We each have food we love more than others.
How can loving Mac and Cheese be creative you ask?
How do you make your mac and cheese?
Blue box or home made?
Sharp or mild?
Add other ingredients or no?
Crushed crackers or chips on top or plain?
Baked or nuked?
Salt and pepper or do you add other spices?
Those are all creative choices and solutions.
Think about your most recent problem
and how did you creatively solve it?
(Leave a comment about it)
Where are you most creative?
How do you feel when you use your creativity?
(I'd love to hear about it in the comments)
The purpose for this post today is to help each of us realize that we have creativity we use everyday,
whether we realize it or not.
I've heard many people say, "I don't have a creative bone in my body", and that simply isn't true.
You might not be the craft queen,
but that doesn't mean you aren't creative.
Ever watch someone do something and then think to yourself, "Wonder why they did it like that when they could have done it this way so much easier?"
Yep, That's your creativity bubbling up to the surface.
I believe that is why art is so subjective.
The creativity of the artist is definitely present,
but then the creativity of the viewer comes into play.
I believe 10 people could view the same piece of art
and each would come away with a different viewpoint
or impression of what they saw.
Their own creativity is sparked by the piece and their brain starts firing questions like:
What is that?
Why did the artist paint, draw or sculpt that?
I wonder what the artist was thinking?
Why did she use that color?
Why does he paint that?
I don't think a flying horse looks like that.
I would have done this to it.
and on and on...
You've got it!
(And now for the obligatory painting, because after all, this is an art blog.)
...and now you ask -
Sharon why did you select that painting?
Well, it's not everyday you see a bear wearing a fascinator.
I made that little hat for my daughter's wedding
and I plopped it on this bears head so it didn't lose its shape until the day of the wedding.
Then I loved the bear so much wearing the fascinator,
it called out to me to paint it.
So to me, this painting ooooozes creativity
maybe more so than any other painting I've ever done.
Have a great day and thanks for stopping by!.
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