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Friday, March 13, 2015

Feeling Vulnerable

Hanging Your Art
For All The World To See!

How nerve wracking is that.

If you're an artist, can you remember the first time you approached a gallery or hung your art for the first time?

I do, and it was nerve wracking.  

River Run Gallery is hosting a Benefit Student Art Show,
where my student artists agreed to hang their art so the public could come in and vote on their favs with their cold hard cash.  

As you can see, many people have come in and put their money where their mouth is.

All the art with the large numbers is from students of classes I've taught.

 Look at all the varieties of art that has been painted.

 It has been so much fun teaching so many people from age 4 to about 82.
Most have never painted before.  
All wanted to learn to paint.
Most were nervous to come and take a class.

They overcame that fear and then they brought their art to hang in a gallery,
have people they might not know look at it and judge it by putting money in a cup with their number on it.

No FEAR there!

 I am so proud of them, their work, and their gutsyness.  (Is that a word?)

  Thank you so much artists,
for overcoming your fear and helping to raise money.

All the money raised from this art show will be given to
Carroll County Animal Support.
They do a tremendous amount of volunteer work for lost, homeless and unwanted animals in Carroll County.
The goal is to raise $150 which will be used to spay one animal.

Congratulations to Darcel Klopp who won one of my calendars and Holly Frye who won three of my note cards.  

There are two categories, adults and children, and the artist who raises the most money in each category receives 5 tubes of acrylic paint, and the second place winners receive a free class.  

Thanks again! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Fake It Till You Make It.

A Girl Can Pretend!!!

So far this winter, we have had several very significant snowfalls!

I mean significant!

We had two or three right on the heels of each other that hung around on the ground for about three weeks that totaled well over a foot.

Then we had a brief warmup
and about 3 inches of rain in less than 24 hours.

I know,
at this point we are all going crazy,
then the rain switched over to snow

and on March 3 we had just under a foot of snow overnight.

I need me some serious summer!!!

One thing about being an artist is,
you can pretty much pretend and paint any season you want.

So I want summer.

So for right now,
I'm "Pretending".

20" x 10" unframed acrylic on a stretched canvas 

(On my monitor, this painting is more pinky rose than shows on here.  It's brighter in person)

Monday, March 2, 2015

50 Shades of Green

50 Shades of Green

Now that I have your attention,
I'm really talkin green.

I had a photo of a sunflower before it actually opens so it is almost totally green.

Lots of green!

Told you there was lots of green!

I had to change that background though.

So I went with one of my favorite combinations,
green and purple.  

You can see all the shades of green here.  

Warm, cool, light, dark.

This was painted on canvas paper.  

I'm really in love with this paper, because it feels and acts just like canvas,
not at all like paper.  

Thanks for stopping in today.

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About Me

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Ghent, Kentucky, United States
I'm a nature artist and I love to paint old barns, rivers and lakes, trees and fence rows and flowers. I work almost daily. You can purchase paintings by contacting me at and there is also a tab across the top of my blog for available paintings and one for small paintings with buy now buttons. You can also purchase through my Etsy shop using the name of Fine Nature Art. . Thank you so much for stopping by.